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Makeup Artist Tricks of the Trade - Skincare Advice and Makeup for Your Wedding or Special Event

Skincare - in preparation to your wedding this should be an essential part of your planning its just as important as choosing the right venue or dress, as all eyes will be on you and your bridal party so you want to look and feel great!

There are so many products out there that we are bombarded with choice. A salon is usually a good place to start as you can talk to someone who has specifically trained in skincare and will use a high quality range of products.

If you're not doing it already cleansing and toning the skin is an important step in maintaining a healthy skin. Soaps tend to dry the skin out and are a fantastic breeding ground for bacteria, so avoid using on your skin and go for a gentler option such as a foaming face wash or face wipes if you want a quick cleanse.

Along with this, part of your everyday ritual should include twice daily moisturising even if your skin is oily you still should use a good moisturiser but one with a mattifying effect, which can help to control excess sebum production.

The day before the wedding make sure you exfoliate the skin so there is a good base to work on. Exfoliating gets rid of excess dead skin cells which cling to the surface and prevent your products from doing their job as effectively. Your makeup will look much better on a smoother skin. Makeup - Choosing the right makeup is the next step.

What colours should you get and what will last?

I would always recommend using a qualified beauty therapist/makeup artist for your wedding as from experience many brides have found it a great help. A trial should be offered so you can view the products and the makeup will be applied therefore you can see what the finished look will be for your special day. A general rule that older members of the bridal party such as the mother of the bride should go for a light base nothing too heavy which may draw attention to fine lines and matte eye shadows. The bride can choose from many different looks, matte and flawless, the dewy look for a healthy natural appearance. When having the makeup done on the day it is fun and helps your morning run smoothly so when you are all made up you feel confident and ready to go.

If you decide to do your own makeup then you can have a makeup lesson to learn some of the tricks of the trade. Here are just a few, use a daker blusher in a tan colour under the cheekbones to lift them and make them appear higher and deeper ( I call this the cheekbone effect. Apply eyeshadow with a damp brush for longer wear and stronger colour for precise application. The best foundation I have come across during my time as a makeup artist has such a flawless finish but doesn't look heavy or caked, it covers redness and is also water resistant. A foundation like this is ideal for brides as being perspiration proof when you get hot in the evening dancing the night away your skin will still look perfect.

If booking a makeup artist always plan ahead these services get booked quite far in advance as do popular venues and other wedding services. Have fun preparing for your wedding and its a great excuse to get on top of a good skincare regime.

Lucy Orrey fully qualified beauty therapist/mobile makeup artist to Surrey and west Sussex RIPHH BTEC ND BABTAC For more advice , products available, wedding packages and treatments visit

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