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Beyond Bridal Dresses: Wedding Beauty Secrets To Die For

Why are all brides beautiful on their wedding day? Something has to give. You're right to suspect all along that they've hit upon well-guarded beauty secrets, not just tips to shop for one of those fabulous bridal dresses.

Mom's Beauty Formula

Bridal dresses are not the only worries of brides-to-be. They fret over a thousand details, but none so worrisome as the pimples and whiteheads cropping up on their faces. It does seem unfair that these blemishes multiply just when you are preparing for the most important day of your life.

You just can't imagine yourself pimple-faced and wearing one of those stunning bridal dresses on your big day. Why don't you give your mom's beauty secrets the once-over? If you remember, she has this list:

* Drink 8 glasses of water daily to hydrate your skin.
* Don't use harsh soap on your face.
* Don't sleep with make-up on.
* Cleanse, tone, and moisturize.
* Wear sun block before going out into the sun.
* Exercise daily to flush out the toxins in your body.

These are tried and tested beauty tips your mom has espoused and look at her now. She has good skin even in her late forties. So get into the regimen months before your wedding day.

Skin Care Tips

You don't need to spend a fortune in a spa to get yourself ready for your wedding day. You have already splurged on one of those bridal dresses that is sure to make you feel like royalty. Instead of scouring the pharmacy and beauty counters, look into the kitchen cupboard and get beauty supplements right there - DIY style:

* Exfoliants - Mix sugar and honey to a pasty consistency and rub it all over your body, especially on the elbows and the knees. Be sure to rinse it off after you shower.

* Facial mask for oily face - Make a paste of honey and oatmeal and gently cover your face, except the eye area. Leave it on for 30 minutes or more. You shouldn't be able to smile by then, and that's the time to wash it off with gentle facial and lukewarm water.

* Moisturizer and skin lightening - Add a few drops of lemon juice to three tablespoons of liquid milk until it acquires a sticky consistency, then gently apply it all over your face in light upward strokes. After an hour, wash it off with tepid water. You'll be surprised with the velvety texture of your face.

* Age spots - Before bedtime, apply lemon juice over the discolored area and air dry before applying moisturizer.

* Baby soft feet - After soaking in the tub, rub your feet with petroleum jelly and put on your old comfortable socks. Make this a nightly ritual and you'll have baby soft feet come wedding day.

If you have a skin condition that flares up any time it pleases, see a dermatologist. Some skin conditions need antibiotics or over-the-counter medication to clear up. Don't try to heal yourself with supposedly effective medication others have found effective. What is good for your best friend may be lethal for you.

Mind Boosters

A radiant bride in one of those beautiful bridal dresses is beautiful inside and out. Wake up and shine on your wedding day. Exercise or take those daily brisk afternoon walks to clear your system, listen to your favorite music when you are exercising or just lounging around, and spritz the air with lavender scent. It'll perk your mood up for that very special day.

The wedding day is not about bridal dresses. It's about YOU. It's your health and well-being that will make you a beautiful bride.

Knock them out on your wedding day with one of those stunning and elegant bridal dresses and wedding dresses. Let your best friend shine, too, with the bridesmaids dress you've chosen for her. Visit today and start checking out the fabulous bridal collections before the big day.

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