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How to Plan a Wedding Anniversary Party

Want to plan a wedding anniversary party without getting in a panic? Then help is here. A simple list to help you remember everything!

First think about the type of party your anniversary couple would like, there is no point having a huge surprise party when they would like an intimate family dinner. Good luck in working that one out!

Next make a list of the guests to be invited, if it's a surprise party it is a good idea to get a few family members together to help you remember everyone, or borrow their address books. Print off the guest list and have everyone who will make a comment have a look to ensure noone is forgotten. It is quite likely that you will forget someone but by sharing the responsibility it won't all be your problem!

Now that you have your estimated numbers of guests you need to find your venue, have a look at all the options locally; hotels, restaurants, social clubs, community halls or maybe your house! Ask about catering and entertainment options. Buffets are much easier if there is a big group of you and then you won't need to ask if your guests have any dietary requirements. If you are having a choice menu you will need menu copies to send with the invitations. Remember to book the date with the venue.

With the guest list and venue booked you can now buy and send out your invitations. Put a date that you want the invitation replied by and ask for any dietary needs. Set up a system - even if it is a cardboard box, where all of the replies go, this way you can gather all of the guests information when you need it. It helps to have a spreadsheet with all the names in one column, and then columns for all the other bits of information you need, food, dietary requirements, accommodation, transport.

Plan any anniversary party games and entertainment. If you want a band, DJ or entertainer you will need to book it in advance to avoid any disappointment, make sure you have a contract.

Plan your anniversary party decorations, if your venue needs brightening up you may want to add balloons, lanterns and banners. Put together a group of volunteers to help you set this up. Talk to the venue as you may be able to decorate the room the night before.

Order your anniversary flowers. Flowers are a great way to add colour to a room and you can also take them away as gifts, talk to your florist about the arrangements you will need for the tables, the entrance and even the cake.

Order your anniversary cake, your cake could be a replica of the wedding cake, or a modern style stacked wedding cake or a fun and favourite cake. Anything goes!

Organise your anniversary party favors, decide if you want to have favors at the anniversary party and for whom.

Collate your replies and confirm numbers to the venue - check with them as to when they need this information. Plus any additions if you haven't already discussed them - entertainment, games, how you would like the day to run. Do you want your 'bride and groom' announced into the room? Are you having speeches? When do you want the cake cut?

Then you have the important part of enjoying yourself!

Suz Daykin is the Editor of Anniversary Gifts By Year, the complete guide for anniversary gift ideas and how to organise great anniversary parties.

More Anniversary Party Ideas Here

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