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Creating a Realistic Wedding Budget While Still Having the Wedding of Your Dreams

Perhaps the single most important thing that must be accomplished when you are ready to begin planning your wedding is to first create your budget. Your budget is important because it is almost impossible to know what you can afford for each aspect of the wedding if you don't give yourself a limit to the overall spending costs. For most people, creating the budget is the hardest job to do because you want to have the nicest and most memorable wedding that you can afford.

The days when the wedding is paid for by the parents of the bride are practically gone now. Parents will often contribute to the wedding cost as a gift to the couple, but it rather rare for parents to cover the whole cost of the wedding these days. Usually it is because the parents simply can't afford it, but couples today often prefer to pay for their own weddings because it ensures that they can do it the way that they want to without interference.

A lot of the time, parents will forego paying for the wedding and pay for the honeymoon instead. Basically this makes creating your own budget very important; especially if you are paying for both the wedding and the honeymoon yourself.

These days, 4 out of 5 couples pay for their own wedding and it helps to know how your budget should be broken down. When creating your budget, you will first begin with the overall amount that you can afford to spend. The average wedding today costs approximately $20,000. This is not a definite, but this is what the figures currently show.

Now you will need to take that starting amount and apply it to an actual separate dollar amount. If you are not good at percentages, you can always utilize the internet and check with the various websites that offer you free or cheap wedding budget calculators that will do it for you.

With these calculators, all that you have to do is give it the total budget amount and then it will calculate for you how much money in dollars that you will have to spend on each aspect of your wedding.

Once you have figured out the dollar amount that you can spend on each aspect of the wedding, you can then begin to create a chart that will itemize the list for you. The following is a list of areas that that should be included in your your chart: Reception, Ceremony, Photography/Videography, Catering, Rings, Attire, Music, Flowers, Honeymoon, Miscellaneous, and Decorations.

What this list is meant to show you are the areas you need to give consideration to in your planning. You have to make a list of all of the things that you will need to get in order to fulfill your wedding hopes.

This is necessary in order to know if what you dream of can even be afforded within your set budget. If it can't, you will have to do any or all of the following: Lower the guest list, Forego some of the services, Lessen the wedding party, or Forget the extras like limos.

It is with the budget that you can set realistic goals for your wedding and whether or not if your budget is realistic to your finances. If it isn't, you will have to change or get rid of something. It's that simple.

Once you have decided what you want to include and what you can afford, it is on to the planning stage of your wedding.

Mia LaCron is the founder of - - devoted to helping individuals live out the wedding of their dreams on a realistic budget they can afford.

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