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Wedding Planning Budget

Wedding Planning Budget

I got married ten months ago - for the second time, older and wiser, but still, a sucker for love - the only reason to make that commitment for my money.

And speaking of money my fiance and i stuck ridgigly to a wedding planning budget - We had no choice, with parents long gone, we were footing the bill ourselves.

Did you realise that the average wedding in the uk today costs around ?14,000? that's pushing $30,000 right now. Call me old fashioned, but I could buy a house for that much not too long ago

Our budget was ?3,000 or thereabouts, and we wanted a wedding to remember for our cash.

Let me tell you here that we only had a little over five months to organise the whole thing. I popped the question on the last day of March, and we set a wedding date for the second week in September - the same year.

Our biggest problem in keeping the budget to a manageable level was with the wedding reception. We wanted to get married in a non religious setting, preferably a hotel overlooking a lake, and outside if possible.

We visited a number of venues, many of which wanted us to book the entire accomodation of the hotel for the whole wedding weekend, which was out of the question.

So we drew up a guest list of all the people we could possibly invite, then began to whittle it down to those we could not leave out. Eventually we were left with a guest list of 35 for the afternoon reception.

Once we knew the numbers involved, we re-visited the venues that we felt were appropriate, and after much thought, and a little haggling,we found that the venue we liked most could accommodate us, and fortunately their price turned out to be withing our budget.

With that cost determined we were then able to plan the rest of the budget, which included an evening reception for those people that we wanted to share the day with, but who we couldn't couldn't manage to squeeze onto the afternoon reception list.

Even with careful planning, we ran over budget by around 20%, but I have to say - it was worth it.

For more Wedding Planning Ideas visit Wedding Planning Ideas

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