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The American Wedding Announces Their $20,000 Free Wedding Giveaway

Covina, Calif. (PRWEB) June 18, 2007 -- From the time they are little girls, every woman dreams about their perfect Cinderella wedding. Now, The American Wedding is playing the part of fairy godmother with their first-ever "Free Wedding Giveaway." Starting today, no more sweeping cinders and maxing out credit cards to pay for your fairytale wedding; your magical carriage is just a simple contest entry away.

First off, who needs mice when you can now afford a designer Monique Lhuillier wedding dress? The $20,000 grand prize makes transforming cloth rags into couture a snap. Ice sculptures and titanium cufflinks for your personal Prince Charming? No problem, your shoe string budget just vanished like a pumpkin coach at midnight.

Unlike most magical wishes-come-true however, this free wedding contest comes with no tricky strings attached.

"Unlike many free wedding giveaways that rely on vendor donations, our contest provides a cash prize, so the bride has complete freedom to finance the wedding of her dreams without being restricted to certain shops and services," said Janice Lee, Director of Internet Marketing at The American Wedding.

According to The Knot, the average wedding now costs $19,000, so this amount will cover all general wedding costs with a little left over for those must-have glass slippers. Best of all, like the beloved Cinderella story, there's no special quality or status needed to win the coveted prize (read: no cumbersome essays or drawn-out application process). Just submit your entry on, and if the shoe fits come July 18th….well, you know the rest.

"At The American Wedding, we've always believed that wedding planning is supposed to be fun, not stressful. That's why we sell quality wedding invitations couples will love, and that's why we're launching this exciting new contest. Best of luck to every bride," said Lee.


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