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Men's Guide to Wedding Planning

In many cases, it may seem like a bride cares more about the details of her marriage than the wedding itself, but that does not mean that you do not have to be involved in the wedding planning process. There is a happy medium between zero participation and making it seem like you are the one organising the marriage. Planning a marriage can be difficult and stressful, but with any luck, you can negotiate this time period without too much conflict. There are a few things you may try to keep the peace during this time period.

First off, you need to find out what you are up against and what may come up during the wedding planning process. If you know what arrangements and details will have to be dealt with, you can at least minimize the number of surprises. It would be wise to call a wedding planner and layout your situation so that you can get a professional's opinion of the ceremony and ideas of how you can make things easier on yourself. You should also have some conversations with married people to get some opinions of things they like and don't like, especially people who are close to you and your bride. Top on the list of married people to speak with are your parents and her parents. They will be able to give you some pointers to help make the process easier.

Although knowing what to expect will help immensely, your fianc? will likely have several items or details she is set on. Your best bet can be to just go with the flow, unless she is proposing something you consider outrageous. In some cases, your fianc? may want you to be involved in every step of the process, down to what kind of flowers, what color flowers, and how many. Although the flowers at your wedding may be of little consequence to you, this and other wedding planning issues could be huge for her. One phrase you should learn to help you get through this time is, "What do you think." By asking this question you can see what is on her mind, because although she wants your input, she most likely still wants to make the final decision.

Planning the tiniest details of your marriage may not be your idea of a good time, but you can be assured that your bride wants her wedding day to be perfect, down to every last detail. If you do not want to be involved in every step of the process, you need to make this clear, but you will have to be somewhat involved, unless you want to get married in a pink tux.

Mike Selvon owns a number of niche portals. Please visit our Wedding Planner portal for more tips on wedding planning for men .

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